perm filename FEIGEN.LET[AM,DBL] blob sn#605133 filedate 1981-08-11 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
10-Aug-81 08:04:28-PDT,2846;000000000001
Mail-from: ARPAnet host SUMEX-AIM rcvd at 10-Aug-81 0804-PDT
Date: 10 Aug 1981 0800-PDT
From: Feigenbaum at SUMEX-AIM
Subject: REVISED Revision of Cover letter
To:   jkaplan at SRI-KL, barr at SRI-KL

Here is a slightly better version, tuned after comments by Penny.

-------	(here follows Ed's rewrite of the letter) Dear Dr. Jones,

A  novel and  potentially revolutionary  computer software technology
has  emerged from laboratories and  research institutes doing applied
work  in Artificial Intelligence. The  technology, known as Knowledge
Engineering,  is used to  build programs called  Expert Systems, that
reason  skillfully in tasks normally  thought to require considerable
human professional expertise. Expert Systems have been built in areas
of medical diagnosis, equipment failure diagnosis, chemical structure
elucidation,   planning   and   analysis   of   genetic   engineering
experiments, mineral prospecting,  geological analysis in oil fields,
various military tasks, and in many other areas.

This  work  has  been   pioneered  and  brought  to  fruition  by  my
laboratory,  the  Stanford  Heuristic  Programming  Project,  and  by
laboratories  at SRI International,  MIT, Carnegie-Mellon University,
Rutgers University,  the RAND Corporation, and a  few other places. I
have been deeply concerned that this powerful technology be placed at
the  service  of  industrial  and  business  firms  and  governmental
institutions.  Of  what use is innovation to our  nation unless it is
transferred to those who would develop and use it?

Scientific colleagues of mine, similarly concerned, have joined me in
forming Teknowledge, a firm  dedicated to bringing about the transfer
of this technology. Its  products are software tools and training for
Knowledge Engineering. One of Teknowledge's most important activities
is  its one-day Executive Briefing.  We would like to  invite you and
your colleagues to join us for one of these .

The  Executive  Briefing,  entitled  "Knowledge  Engineering  in  the
1980s",  will be offered  in Palo Alto, California  on October 5,1981
and in Washington,D.C. on  December 7, 1981. In addition to surveying
the state of the art and the directions of progress forecast for this
decade,  the Briefing will  cover such important  practical topics as
identifying  applications  that have  high  probability  of  success;
selecting qualified  personnel for  the work;  acquiring  appropriate
hardware and  software  tools; and  the  managing of  Expert  Systems

I am  enclosing a brochure describing the  Executive Briefing. If you
wish more information, please call Dianne Barr at 415-328-xxxx.

Sincerely yours,

Edward A. Feigenbaum
Chairman of the Board
